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მისასალმებელი სიტყვა

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,

It is my great honor and pleasure to take up my duties as the Ambassador of Georgia to Turkmenistan, our friendly nation and one of the most important partner in Central Asia. In this dramatic time of changes in the region and beyond, it is particularly significant to me to uphold increasing cooperation of Georgia and Turkmenistan. The sustained will of the two states to strengthen partnership remains unwavering and I am confident that existing close cooperation will further heighten, both in bilateral and multilateral formats.

One of the top priorities of the Embassy of Georgia to Turkmenistan is the support of development untapped potential in various areas of bilateral cooperation. Despite the exiting challenges, I believe that through joint efforts of all stakeholders’, new energy and transit infrastructural projects of international importance will be implemented.  

Availing myself of this opportunity and on behalf of the Government of Georgia, I would like to wish prosperity to the people of Turkmenistan.

In conclusion, let me thank the Embassy of Georgia to Turkmenistan website visitors and inform that you can find on the website various embassy information, including news on Georgia-Turkmenistan bilateral cooperation, foreign policy, consular affairs and Georgia related useful links.